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There comes a time when a community comes together to discover their depths. After decades of work, by so many, for so long, across multiple lands and communities, we have the means to meet together, in a form unexpected. On October 9th, 2025 Pagans will convene to explore their community, globally, nationally, and locally.  This will be a most unique gathering.
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"In the enchanted land of Annwfn, the otherworldly home to the mystical Fae, lived a young princess named Rhiannon. Her world was filled with magic and wonder, a place where nature itself whispered secrets of old. Rhiannon was no ordinary girl; as the daughter of the king and queen, she was destined to lead her vibrant community one day. From a young age, Rhiannon's education was carefully crafted to prepare her for this future. Alongside her lessons in the royal arts of governance and diplomacy
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So I was playing with AI and decided to ask the very question of this blog post. The response below that it gave me seems appropriate and easy enough. Just too bad it does not benefit the powers that be? Feel free to share your thoughts after reading.


Addressing the homeless problem requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses various strategies aimed at providing immediate assistance, addressing root causes, and creating long-term solutions. Here are several steps that can be

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Welcome, wanderers of the spiritual path, to the ancient city of Regensburg, Germany. Nestled on the Danube River, this UNESCO World Heritage site is not just a testament to medieval architecture but also a beacon for those seeking a connection with the past, especially for the Pagan community. As we embark on this journey through time, let's explore the mystical and the sacred, uncovering Regensburg's allure for Pagans and spiritual seekers alike.
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The Sacred Art of Bone Divination: Atalanta Moonfire's Journey into Pagan Magick

By: Krys Copeland (@kryscopeland on all socials)

The Revival of an Ancient Practice

In the realm of spiritual exploration, the ancient art of bone divination emerges as a captivating practice. Atalanta Moonfire, a seasoned practitioner, brings this esoteric form of magick into the modern era. Her journey intertwines deep-rooted traditions with contemporary Paganism, offering a unique perspective to spiritual seekers

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Are Pagans Lonely?

Are Pagans lonely?

I have been turning this over in my head this week.  I didn't go to our local Pagan meet up last week because of the ice and snow we have had. I really hated to miss it, because I really miss having a chance to hang out with other Pagans. There will be another another next month, but I really hated missing this one.

Human beings are social creatures. COVID taught us that. We need positive interactions with other people. We need to feel we belong. That's hard for Pagans sometim

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Missing Child Alert!

Hannah Smith has been missing over a week now.  She walked away from state care in Wichita Kansas.  Her mother is Monica Moonastira Smith.   Please send energy for her to be found.  She is autistic and has special needs.





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In the eclectic world of spiritual literature, it's not every day that a Pagan Atheist reviews a Christian book. Yet, here I am, sharing my insights on Away and Back: Lessons from Jonah by King’ori Mbuthia with my Pagan World community.
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Press Release from the Correllian Witan Council

Press Release: 

In a monumental vote, the Correllian Witan Council has fulfilled its primary purpose for the first time in its history!
On December 1st year 23 Aquarius, Lady Alyssa Kemp and Lord Phoenix Coffin-Williams were Officially Confirmed as First Priestess and First Priest of the Correllian Nativist Tradition.
In the past our First Priesthood retired in office and named Regents to act in their stead until they crossed over or became incapacitated. This vote ended the Regency and perman
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Imagine a parallel universe where The Atlantic publishes an article written by a Pagan spiritual leader who declares Judaism is solely defined by ancient, bewildering rituals – telling millions of readers that modern Jews still practice animal sacrifices or smeare blood on doorposts during Passover. Outlandish, right? This is precisely the skewed lens through which Wolpe views modern Paganism.
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Five Steps of Pagan Survival

When we can master this steps we will move towards survival in prosperity an in crisis. Build towards the good, stand against the harmful. Sounds simple and truly it is. We merely have to find our purpose individually and share collective goals.
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Pagans and Power, Part 1:

What is power? Power is defined as purposeful power over control over people and the environment they are in. The trinity of force, wealth, and knowledge to have them perform in a given way.
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Distance Ritual: Brigantia's Rite of the Sovereign Self

  • Description:

    Beloved Alchemists,

    We have passed the threshold of the height of the Solar Wheel. Each year at this time—the Season of the Sacred Sovereign—our community revisits our dedication to our own sovereignty through a profound naming and claiming ritual.

    It is my deep honor to offer the distance form of this holy rite to you now, within the beauty of our Lunar Astral Temple.

    🔮 Our Sovereign Season Lunar Rites Alchemical Network Distance Ritual is live! 🔮…

  • Created by: Lady Jesamyn Angelica

This Week in The Women's Mystery School

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    Moon Day Blessings, my Beloved Spiritual Family!

    We’re in a big transition; can you feel the energies swirling and shifting? 

    The Sun moved into fiery Leo in the wee hours of this morning, and the Lammastide High Holyday portal opens next Thursday, August 1st. Now is a excellent time to make some space to sit with these seasonal shifts and discover what is arising for *you*.

    Sweet Sisters, if you feel the desire to join us, please know that you are always invited into the…

  • Created by: Lady Jesamyn Angelica

2024 High Sierra Dream Retreat for Women

Nashville Pagan Pride Day

  • Description:
    This is a free event.
    Nashville Pagan Pride Day will host a fun-filled day of workshops, music, food, vendors, and fun to celebrate the Pagan Community of Nashville and Middle Tennessee.
    We will be collecting food donations for Second Harvest of Middle Tennessee.…
  • Created by: David Anderson & Divine Intentions