Using Magic to Build Confidence

Using Magic to Build Confidence

We use magic as a way of life, an order to secrets we have learned. – Unknown

“I dreamed of a thousand mothers, singing in unison, all glory to our mother and the mothers before her. Glory be unto Gaia. As the vibrations came together, it was a chorus, a choir and finally a clash of power so fantastic and terrible, for there was so much beauty. I woke up. My heart ached. This magic I would see again, and now we have the ability to create such a thing.” – Ed the Pagan

In the chaos of great powers of the world are on the move, we have one power advantage, our magic. Our will being manifested in a thousand small ways to push the narrative of a more mystical and joyous world. So, we allow ourselves to use magic because we can, we are allowed. If we hide it, we don’t need to prove it. That means to make sure no one knows. And in defense, a lot of people were killed and murdered as a matter of the grinding machines of patriarchy, and the technology that would become industrialism.

Everyday Magick  fills our lives. When we speak of energy, we are just at the beginning. We are learning how big our minds are, and how they interface with consciousness. We, as a Animist base, that which is most primal of our consciousness, share a desire to live in happiness and in peace. If not us as individuals, for we are warriors, so that our children and grandchildren would know a good life.

If you know magick, this is a wonderful time as even the very walls of reality are breaking down. It seems physics is having a very bumpy quantum trip. The rules between physics, magic and AI will be the stuff of legends.

The most singular thing about a daily act of magick by us all, if only that is done, and no more commonality drives intention to the reality we are asking for.

Rule 5: Use Magick: To grow and use magick, expanding on the idea of applied magic. With technology emerging which appears to conform to the concept of magick combined with knowledge that pours from our ancient most part of ourselves. We can ignite a deeply magickal world, we can literally create the next reality control. Our will manifested.

So acting on our intentions, sharing those intentions, will bring stronger will and focus. You are drawing the attention of the higher realms of consciousness. You are also drawing the attention of other human beings. When they share a magical practice, on a personal level, and shred in a group level, you expand many times ever,  a synergy of magic and woven intent. From here we establish our will. The stronger the will the more reality will react to it.

If you only follow one rule, and this rule above all. Practice magic on a daily basis. Practice magic as much as you can. Share it when you can.
Blessed Be, Ed

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Ed 'the Pagan' Hubbard

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