One Million Pagans Connected 2024

One Million Pagans Connected 2024

This is my 2024 year journey, 4th year of the great global disruption.  It’s been driven that what you can not measure, you can not grow. Of course, metaphysically and spiritually there is less of the sense of accomplishment, as it is simply accomplished. We cultivate our passion and train our skills. Yet, we have many small goals, often not visible. It has come down to my Five Rules of Pagan Survival, In 2024 I have a goal for each.

Rule 1: Connect Pagans
My goal is to connect 1 million Pagans together in 2024. Pagan.World will be our primary hub, utilizing global communication systems, we will be able to communicate and create exchanges on a one-to-one basis, one-to-many, and every spectrum in between. This next year represents the seeds of that next level of a connected community. If not find somewhere to connect.

The value of connecting goes back to the 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon. A game where you through you connections, friends and family, you personally who met Kenin Bacon, or know someone who did. The underlying mental  mapping is that no one is believed to be farther then 6 degrees of connection. If this is true, it is believed its always possible to get the right help needed to fix a difficulty. There is a reason we connect as humans as we don’t know who we need in the future.

Connected Communities can survive difficult, dramatic, and even life-threatening situations by their connections who at least share empathy. The empathic among us will lead us towards peace, prayer, and ways to share meaningful conversations. This self-love of the core community is essential to a healthy human community, from family, tribe and wherever we can give that communal empathy.  This empathy lives at the individual level, small intimate groups, in families, in tribes and clans.

Why 1 million?

Is this just some ego goals I am setting so I can claim that number? So I would have a stoked ego, no doubt. How I react to it will tell of my character as well. But what I will have set into motion is recognition and attention. This is needed for survival into our future as a coherent community.

In the global governance is do you represent a million people, in a coherent and consent-based way? This is perceived by the various parties of the global bureaucracy, to have enough value to stand around the table. So can we connect enough to answer the United Nations, United States and other Nations in which we have connected members.

My Awakening of Numbers

In 1993, while attending the Parliament, faced a upset director of the Parliament Board. I asked, and it was about the Chicago ritual, which was led through the bueracracy by Lady Phyllis herself.  That it was a privileged for us to be represented at all.  He said, that in order to recorded in a UN Census or poll, you have  to have a 100,000 members. I said, whipping at Pew Report, 135,000 people publicly known.
    He smiled, show me your membership lists, and where you share representation.  You don’t have those numbers. You have to prove them to be taken seriously. My soul was pierced. I understood. After all I was Paralegal for the decade before.
30 years later, this summer at the 9th Convening of the Parliament of the World’s Religions, my tradition was part of the opening procession, on the stage itself, and in much of the ritual over the entire event. I could offer many stories, but it was that director, now in spirit, who set me to this goal of connection.

Let’s connect:


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Ed 'the Pagan' Hubbard

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  • Description:

    Beloved Alchemists,

    The days lengthen and it is time, time, time to awaken, to arise, and to grow!

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  • Description:

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