The Need to develop Legal Structures aka Churches.

The Need to develop Legal Structures aka Churches.

Being Connected is helpful to creating and establishing groups and religious organizations, of all kinds. Creating a practicing body, aka a church, is a way to improve and embed our rights as articles of faith.

Rule 2. Legalize Churches: Assure the development of religious organizations in a legal capacity with rights beign  protecting bylaws and articles of faith. In 2024, the goal is to develop 1,000 Pagan Churches in the United States to provide a bulwark to protect our constitutional rights.

Let’s discuss the word Church, as it is a legal designation, in the US tax codes for all religious bodies, as a Not-For-Profit, regardless of a 501c3 status. You may use other designates in your filing, including Temples, Synagogues, and similar names, by your state filing. It is one of the most powerful signs of Preeminence of Christianity, to have all these religious organizations reduced to Church.  You can not even called it a Religious Organization, as that too, has a separate legal status. In order to change this, you would have to have the laws and regulations rewritten. This can only be done through the Congress or through the Courts.

Here is the document: that will explain the fine details.
Here is the glossary to help further define:

By creating local legal bodies, churches and religious organizations, you can build in your statements of faith those right you want to preserve, including body autonomy, personal freedom, protection of clergy discretion, and numerous other rights that are pursued in the name of the divine. This allows for a time, in extremis, to prove these are true statement and not at the moment claims of privilege. By creating the statements of faith, widely distributed to public on as needed basis, including hospitals, funeral homes, public schools, prisons, police and fire departments, and even governmental bodies, provides standing and foreknowledge. This is powerful when needed.

There are benefits to churches on a financial and personal basis, in serving and how to conduct group actions, including ways to finance properties, operate food and other aid, and the list goes on. Churches in USA have some great benefits and advantages. This can help as well.

With a thousand churches registered, even if everyone is independent, allows for a bulwark against threats to any one of them. If successful, some or all can even create a association that allows us to lobby together when needed, providing legal support as well as potential other benefits.

So consider in 2024, where you and your groups are at, and if they would benefit from legal status.  It is my expectation that we will all be better, the more that can see themselves as leaders of this next wave of Paganism.


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Ed 'the Pagan' Hubbard

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