Amber Fry replied to Joseph Scott Worley's discussion Tools for Witchcraft what's your "go to"
"Just me for the most part but I think candles are probably the most regular go do. You can do a lot with a plain white candle and something to etch in runes or symbols and such."
Sep 6, 2023
Joseph Scott Worley commented on Marc Roney's blog post Doing a 12 Book challenge for 2023
"Sounds like a great challenge. One question though do they all have to be first read throughs? As I like to reread my books after a few months to see if I pick up on information I overlooked during my initial read thoughs. Eitherway I think I will…"
Jan 8, 2023
Joseph Scott Worley posted a status
Midway through crafting my second yet oddly enough more finished Stang Staff. Just needing to level out and iron shod the bottom, smooth out some of the forner limb outgrowths, and some how ever so slightly bend the bifracated part of the staff so…
Jan 3, 2023
Joseph Scott Worley posted a discussion
So I was currious for those whom do spell work what are your favorite or "go to" tools ? Does it vary based on what the working is?  For example for binding spells my go to tools are red thread and rail road spikes. 
Jan 3, 2023
Joseph Scott Worley posted a status
Made 7 Mid Winter themed simmer pots tonight one for each of my crew at work. Empowered them with good health prosperity, and happiness for the upcoming year.
Dec 21, 2022
RichardtheRaelian replied to Joseph Scott Worley's discussion Books, books, & still more books.
"Hi! I like the title of this posting."
Nov 13, 2022
Joseph Scott Worley posted a status
Took my buying a small hack saw since the "dremel tool" i bought didn't have a large enough cutting bit to do the job but now the metal rod has been cut through.
Nov 12, 2022
Joseph Scott Worley posted a status
Sawing through my walking stick since I intend to increase it's length to make it into a stang by adding some length to it and wouldn't you just know it, there is a blasted metal dowl rod in the center of it. So now I need to go out and buy a tool…
Nov 11, 2022
Levia Keller replied to Joseph Scott Worley's discussion Books, books, & still more books.
"If we discount the fiction I'm reading, then I'm reading Water Magic by Mari Silva and The Pastel Magic Book of Tarot Spreads by Maria Morales. The Tarot spread book is a slow one, as I *try* to use one new spread per day. I'm 95% through that one.…"
Nov 5, 2022
Bill Richardson replied to Joseph Scott Worley's discussion Books, books, & still more books.
"I am reading MASTERING WItCHCRAFT, by Paul Huson.WITCHCRAFT TODAYby Gerald B Gardner.Book 4 by Crowley..I've also been browsing Initiation in the Aeon of the Child by J Daniel Gunther..and the Angel in the Abyss by the same Author."
Nov 5, 2022
Joseph Scott Worley posted a status
What Witchy stuff did you get up to on this Halloween, Nos Calan Gaeaf, Samhain, All Hallows Eve? I crafted a besom, did a wealth drawing money bowl spell, and finished off the night burning a scented candle to both honor & thank my Ancestors of…
Oct 31, 2022
Joseph Scott Worley posted a status
Finally got arround to crafting a besom (of a sort) today. I say of a sort as instead of straw/grass I used some goose & duck feathers . I know it's not the norm for one but for sweaping away negative energy It works a charm.
Oct 31, 2022
Joseph Scott Worley and Carlyn Buffington are now friends
Oct 22, 2022
Joseph Scott Worley posted a status
Ethically sourced antler sheds aquired, now just to lengthen my staff and affix them to it, a week or so until the crafted tool is completed.
Oct 2, 2022
Joseph Scott Worley posted a photo in National Black Hat Society
a somewhat recent picture of me
Sep 30, 2022
Joseph Scott Worley posted a status
Working out the best way to affix more wood to make my walking staff into a Stang for ritual use
Sep 30, 2022