Lesson 21: How Much Free Will do you have?

Lesson 21: How Much Free Will do you have?

Lesson 21: How Much Free Will do you have?

Deep down we love to think we are completely act of our own free will.  We want to think our mind is under our individual control, decisions made are acting from that space of self-ownership. Yet, we do things we do not want, act in ways against ourselves, and behave in ways we would rather not. So we live in this twilight of free will, free thought, and yet take actions that do not conform with will. All of this is because most of our brain operations’ to keep us alive and in comfort.  What we cal the subconscious mind is constantly acting to bring us not to happiness but to survival. This is where Witches have always worked, to act in free will, and through that make the subconscious mind more cooperative.  This we will explore as these lessons continue.

So having begun that premise, that the mind is composed of elements that react underneath our conscious thought, looking for patterns to protect us. The primary pattern at a genetic level is the hunt for those predators that would harm and even eat us, the lion in the bushes, the eagle in the air. While those threats are not very common these days, our mind continues to search for them. So today, we fill it with new worries, new ways we can be harmed and gather them up. Some examples are the moving car, extreme heights, and people who we do not know. All of these represent the negative impact.

The second aspect the mind seeks is momentary pleasure and avoidance of pain. We do not want to be uncomfortable and so we will seek out ways to make us feel that.  Once we move beyond pain and fear, we then seek out pleasure, which is often just stimulus. This can be a cup of coffee in the morning, which allows you a spike of caffeine and the comfort of a familiar drink.  For those who exercise regularly and with focus, the awareness of your good health and knowledge that if something goes wrong, at least you have the ability to react. For those who watch television, no matter the form, it’s comforting to share these wonderful stories and thoughts are there. Once we solve our fears, avoid the pain, we settle down into seeking comfort.

So as we put together, we discover our minds, both as a psychic level as well as the physical level, has far less free will as we thought. This is why Will is so essential. It is the macro skill that can allow us to act outside of this program of fear, pain and pleasure.  So that we develop our Will, through meditation, through exercise, through pattern disruptions, we engage these elements that seek to hold us in our safety zone. So its only the Will which gives us the ability to live our lives, and it is why Witches seek to act on their own Free Will. It’s the only thing that can allow us to create magic, to develop our imagination, and move into the unknown. Powerful and why it will frighten those who never truly move between the triad of Fear, Pain, and Pleasure.

Today’s Exercise: Spend 15 minutes today, in Your Book of Mirrors, writing down three lists. First is what you fear? Second is what causes your pain? Third is what gives you pleasure? Don’t skimp, and allow you to be honest. This list creation is truly an act of Free Will!

Blessings and Make it a Great Day!
Ed the Pagan

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Ed 'the Pagan' Hubbard

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