
  • I have been a guest on this channel and also they have lots of metaphysical topics.  Conscious Radio Network on youtube.

  • My own, but I might be a bit bias lol I do a bunch of things but studying for 22 years I am kind of all over the place lol...


  • By way of update I feel into the YouTube Witch/Pagan/etc topic and have now started to watch the following channels



    Mhara Starling
    Welcome to my channel. My name is Mhara Starling. I am a Welsh witch raised on the sacred Druid’s isle, the isle of Anglesey. My path is fuelled by…
  • These are the ones for me

    Outside of those the algorithm seems to have no problem recommending stuff to me. If other good ones come up I will link it. 

    Da'at Darling
    Georgina Rose is a devout thelemite, practicing ceremonial magician, and devotee of the western esoteric path. She provides educational information o…
  • I follow 2 on spotify at present one is Seeking Witchcraft the other is The Heart of Witchcraft.  Both are done by Gardnarians (if I remember correctly) but are presented from a mostly Ecclectic veiw point.  And very interesting; though, both are sporadic at best and seemed to be a more pandemic only type thing.  And while it is not a Pagan channel as such I really enjoy the you tube channle The Welsh Viking.  It is a great resource for those interested in anything Norse from an historical/ archaeological stand point, I also reccomend Jackson Crawford's  Norse language channel on You Tube,&  The History of Vikings: An Introduction to the Old Norse Sagas w/ Dr. Jackson Crawford on Apple Podcasts as well. 

  • There is one I follow on Spotify called 'Baby Witch Podcast' by Baby Witch. It's friendly to all kinds of magik, and is ever educational.

  • I do daily Vlog in Tagalog which is our Local Language in the Philippines and its called Pinoy Witch Talk


    • your channel is excellent.

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