Top 10 Psychic Abilities You Should Know About


Have you ever wondered if you have psychic abilities? Or are you curious about what psychic abilities are and how they work? Here are the top 10 psychic abilities you should know about:

  1. Clairvoyance: The ability to see things beyond the physical realm, such as visions or images of people, places, or events.

  2. Telepathy: The ability to read or communicate with others’ thoughts without using spoken words.

  3. Precognition: The ability to see or sense future events before they happen.

  4. Mediumship: The ability to communicate with spirits of those who have passed away.

  5. Psychokinesis: The ability to move objects with the power of the mind.

  6. Aura reading: The ability to see and interpret the aura or energy field around a person, animal, or object.

  7. Psychometry: The ability to receive information about an object, person, or event through touch or by holding an object.

  8. Remote viewing: The ability to see and describe distant or unseen objects or locations.

  9. Energy healing: The ability to use psychic energy to promote physical, emotional, or spiritual healing.

  10. Animal communication: The ability to communicate with animals and understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

While not everyone has psychic abilities, some people believe that these abilities can be developed with practice and training. If you are interested in exploring your own psychic potential, consider reading books on the topic, taking classes, or seeking guidance from a reputable psychic or spiritual teacher.

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Ed 'the Pagan' Hubbard

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