Six Mind Tools of a Media War

by Ed Hubbard

In our modern society, the media has become a place of great information and great amounts of information, presented in literally millions of ways each and everyday. We have television, newspapers, radio, and now the internet as just some of the forms of mass communication know as "The Media". So much of our lives is into the media that we have seen this emerge as the most competitive force in the planet. It has become quite literally a battleground, were minds are won and lost, and to the winner great spoils and to the losers infamy and disgrace.

So what is a Media War. It is a conflict where words, images, and concepts are put before the public and they decided which thoughts will be allowed. The public chooses by what they choose to focus on, either by watching a particular television station or show at any given time, any radio show, any book that is read, every time a newspaper is read, a choice to what concepts will be allowed to come to the forefront, to our attention. Getting your attention is the opening and most important opening volley of this competition.

Now that your attention is gained, they present information and ask you to make choices, and once you make a choice you transfer a tiny bit of power. You take part in a collective action that benefits the those who you give your attention to and they get you to take an action on their behalf. It comes in many forms including these few examples; spending money, buying tickets, voting for a candidate, talking about their product, getting laws passed, talk about peace, agree to declare war, agree to executions and jailing of law breakers, fighting against executions, to accept taxes and fees, pay subscriptions to magazines, cable stations, and internet services. The list of actions are endless but they represent you taking action at some level. This is the prize of the Media War, all of us individually taking action in a collective way they choose. They gain control of our lives at some level with our permission.

In this case we are dealing with one group inciting action to declare another an enemy. The antagonist seeks out images, words, and choices that have people allow and get them to act against another group. The ultimate expression is a declaration of violence and all laws are disbanded except kill the enemy. But in most modern society is to get governments and people in authority to make the behavior and ideas of the enemy invisible and illegal. This occurs through the Media in democratic societies to force law makers, administrator, and more importantly the law enforcement agencies to act against their enemies. The ultimate goal is have no one want to be the enemy and everyone wants to be a good citizen.

How do they do it? What are the weapons they use, the mind tools to get you to take action or give others permission to act in your name, on your behalf collectively. Which ways is your mind affected to make the choices you make when thinking of a chosen enemy. Here are the six mind-tools used by propagandists, political consultants, and governmental officials use to incite the public. These are the tools of the Media War.

Mind-tool One is Atrocity Allegations. In it's most common form, it is the accusation of ritual murder, infanticide, rape, sexual depravity, mass murder and so on. This can go deeper, with unfounded and untrue statements as well as true statements of small numbers of people, left to fester. Remember, a Atrocity accusation can even be as simple as the wear black because they are afraid of the light, as long as it isolates the community member.

Mind-tool Two is Hyperbolic Inflation of the Stakes. This recently took form in Bosnia when NATO stated if we do not stop Serbia we will have another Hitler, and fight a larger war. For us, If children are allowed to wear Pentagrams soon all our children will be. Further, If children are allowed to practice Wicca then they will become involved with *Put you own derogatory here*.

These first two mind-tools create a powerful argument, no matter how true or false. Simply put, atrocity and Hyperbolic inflation assures that even if you are not sure it is true, you don't dare defend them in case it is true, and you certainly don't become involved.

The Third mind-tool is Demonization and Dehumanization. In every conflict, the enemy must not have a human face. Broad brushes are used to slander and deprive human feelings for the attacked, otherwise one would have to consider them as individuals. For Wiccans it was Satan Worship, but lately it is that Wiccans are nudists trying to convert are children, which is used as a slander and force law officials to act.

The fourth is Polarization, "Those not for us are against Us." Simple and is the basis for all manner of fights. This is school ground politics that we continue to the day all our lives.

The Fifth is the Claim of Divine Sanction, which frames all arguments, out of the human context and instead places it on God, Allah, or some other authority in charge of the action. Further the power to forgive for any excess of zeal is gained. This assures no matter how much one would feel the action is wrong, the person committing it is secure because God told them to do it.

The Sixth mind-tool is Meta-propaganda, and the most powerful. This discredits the other sides propaganda not by challenging the veracity of a single story, but by repeating holes and mistakes on the whole argument and discredit everything coming from the enemy. The aim is to produce wholesale disbelief and close doors to redress.

Being aware of the tools being used by those who would incite violence to get you to agree with them. Your choices are so important, so choose wisely and thank you for choosing to read this article. Your attention to this issue is appreciated and keep yourself free.

E-mail me when people leave their comments –

Ed 'the Pagan' Hubbard

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