5 Skills of a TechnoMage

TechnoMagic is the ability to use technology and magic within a single system. As a force, technomancy is becoming a recognized branch of magic and is beginning its journey into the scinetific realm. As a early look in what will be a emerginh go in to 2020's here are the five primary skills needed, 

1. The ability to access cyberspace.

In 2020, this is recognized as being able to interface through a device, either a box, a phone or other computerized interface. The ability to locate a signal that allows them to enter the internet and cyberspace is essential.  This will be through wire, filament, and through wireless signals, in this histriy.

2. The ability to control their Digital Aura.

The Digital Aura is created whenever a freewilled agency, a human in 2020, begins to become active in cyberspace. The ability to access the internet begins build a digital aura by creating information that identifies the individual,  The information grows as one access more of the web, leaving behind pieces of information that accumulates.

3. The ability to develop Presence.

Presence is the central point of attention each individual is centered in. If the Digital aura is where free will interfaces with the internet, then Presence is where free will is contained.  Within Cyberspace, it become where the individual access and keeps their attention involved. Presence is essential to act in cyberspace, how much of your will and ability to act when required.

4. The ability to be Techoliterate

Technoliteracy is the ability to use and communicate with the essential tools and platforms of Cyberspace. The greater the ability to comprehend the binary language, and every language, then program code, and finally this generates the ability to transform cyberspace. Words are regenerative, symbols are formative, and in cyberspace that combines to create unlimited worlds. From simple screen touching, typing, and organizing thought, to understanding and creating powerful algorithms falls under a technomage sense of self.

5. The ability to store information

Maintaining the ability to store information is essential, and is required to make use of Digital Aura and Presence. It is also equally important to maintain control and access to storage of data. Last it is important to protect and preserve the information, data, and programs one uses. As time goes on, and we grow in cyberspace, the ability to control information storage through either software or hardware will be crucial.  The entirety of our future culture will be in how we control our memory storage.

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Ed 'the Pagan' Hubbard

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Rhiannon's Waxing Season Rite of Creative Inspiration

  • Description:

    Beloved Alchemists,

    The days lengthen and it is time, time, time to awaken, to arise, and to grow!

    Let us align the energies of our own bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits with those of the Earth Mother, turning our very lives into sacred ground, a plot of holy land where our own inner spark of inspiration ignites the fires of our creativity, opening us up to possibility, potential, spaciousness, and expansion.

    🔮 Our Waxing Season Lunar Rites Alchemical Network Distance…

  • Created by: Lady Jesamyn Angelica

This Week in The Women's Mystery School

  • Description:

    Dear Ones,

    May we continue to delight in this luscious time of the year!

    Sisters, from our hearts you are invited to join us in The Women’s Mystery School where you will find our hive buzzing in preparation for stepping fully into the Season of Beltane on Wednesday morning.

    This week we’re also diving into discussion about the Archetype of the Mother, She Who Loves Unconditionally, She Who Gives Without…

  • Created by: Lady Jesamyn Angelica

Medusa's Market @ Huntingburg, IN

  • Description:

    Join us at the Huntingburg Event Center on Sunday, May 12th (Mother's Day!) for our one-of-a-kind trade show, that combines both the reptile/exotic animal community and the pagan community!

    You'll find a wide variety of exotic animal breeders, oddities, metaphysical goods, and hand-made products at our show!


    Show is from 11 AM to 5 PM EST.

    Admission is $5 per person at the door. Kids 5 and under are free.

    Tickets can also be…

  • Created by: Medusa’s Market