Psychics in the Metaverse: Bridging the Gap Between Psychic Abilities and Digital Technology

July 8th, 2023 - The convergence of psychic abilities and digital technology is rapidly reshaping the way we perceive the realms of the mind and the virtual world. In a groundbreaking statement, Ed Hubbard, renowned visionary and founder of Psychic Academy, boldly declares that functional psychics at telepathic levels could become a reality within the next three years, provided the human component is developed to its fullest potential.

Traditionally, psychics and digital technology have been viewed as separate entities. However, a closer examination reveals an intrinsic link between their growth and evolution. Throughout history, psychics have adapted their practices to utilize the prevailing technology of their time, progressing from verbal communications to written letters, telephones, and now, two-way digital communication. The advancement of technology is leading us full circle, creating a reality where physical distance becomes inconsequential—an essential aspect of telepathic level communication.

According to Ed Hubbard, the driving force behind Psychic Academy, the institution aims to discover, cultivate, and refine psychic skills, ensuring their reliability and expanding their range of applications. Hubbard emphasizes that the future programmers of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Metaverse will possess a unique blend of essential skills—curiosity, imagination, intuition, and willpower. These skills, deeply rooted in psychic practices since time immemorial, form the foundation of Psychic Academy's exploratory approach.

"We are on the precipice of an extraordinary era where psychic abilities and technological advancements converge," remarks Ed Hubbard. "Psychic Academy offers a platform to delve into the development and utilization of these skills in an immersive and transformative manner. We invite individuals to join us on this groundbreaking journey as we unlock the vast potential of psychics in the Metaverse."

Psychic Academy provides a dynamic and interactive learning environment where individuals can explore and enhance their psychic abilities. By integrating traditional wisdom with cutting-edge technologies, the Academy offers a unique opportunity to tap into the realms of the mind, expand consciousness, and forge new paths within the ever-evolving digital landscape.

To learn more about Psychic Academy and embark on a transformative journey, visit

Ed Hubbard,

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Ed 'the Pagan' Hubbard

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